What are Nature Constellations?
Nature constellations (embodied mapping in nature) allow us to explore and sense the intricate relationships and interdependencies among various parts of an ecosystem through embodied group processes. Through the process, together we create a living map of a system so we can see our systems and situations in a new way to help seed change. The system we explore can include more than human representatives, such as animals, plants, rivers, trees, buildings or businesses. We can also work with elements from nature as supportive resources in our lives and work, strengthening our connection with the natural world. Nature Constellations aim to enhance connection to nature and an understanding of ecological balance, reciprocity, and responsibility – bringing a greater appreciation for the interconnectedness of life.
The origins
Nature constellations are based in traditional wisdom and developed out of the field of systemic constellations, a therapeutic and organisational tool used to reveal hidden dynamics in personal, family, or organisational systems. Systemic constellations originated from family constellations introduced by Bert Hellinger, a German philosopher and therapist, who after spending time in Africa observing Zulu cultural and familial practices developed family constellations as a way to restore the dynamics within family systems. The Zulu people, like many Indigenous cultures, honour ancestral connections, believing that the actions and unresolved issues of ancestors can impact the living. This idea parallels the central tenet of family constellations—that unresolved traumas and loyalties in family systems can influence descendants in ways that are often invisible but deeply felt. Constellations allow us to see situations with a holistic view, seeing interrelationships, patterns and entanglements between elements in a living system that are interconnected, alive and dynamic.
Francesca Mason-Boring is a key figure in the development of nature constellations as an approach to explore ecological relationships and dynamics. She combines traditional systemic constellation approaches with nature awareness and indigenous knowledge, to foster an approach to deeper understanding of ecological relationships, advocating for a more respectful and sustainable interaction with the natural world.
“Nature Constellation has the potential to bring about the deep peace one feels when they embody the sense of being ‘at home’. When we begin to acknowledge and re-member the earth as our home, we have the potential to personify the balance that comes from standing with our feet on the ground, feeling the immensity of the sky and the mountains. We re-member the systemic gratitude that comes from the truth that the earth has cared for our families for millennia.”
– Francesca Mason-Boring
The practice
At the School of Being, we also refer to the practice of systemic constellations as ‘embodied mapping’ as it can be likened to systems mapping using our physical bodies to sense, perceive and interact with the different parts of a system. Systemic constellations is a phenomenological approach, rooted in the felt experience of individuals, where participants pay attention to their bodily sensations, the emotions that are present, and anything they notice in the moment.
The process begins with the ‘case holder’ discussing their intention or question about the situation being explored with the facilitator. The aim is to bring improvements, whether it is health and well-being, love, clarity, ease or flow to a situation which is unique to each case. After the facilitator and ‘case holder’ get clear on the focus of the constellation and the most important elements in the system, the ‘case holder’ selects people from the group to represent the different elements in the system. The representatives position themselves according to phenomenological feedback, to their felt sense of the relationships between the different elements. The spatial arrangement of the representatives reveals information held within individuals and the relational system. The representatives report how they feel and what they sense about the element they are representing, and report back. In this way, all aspects of a system can be given a voice and the relationships between the elements can be seen. Through representing the system in this way, we can see where there is tension or entanglements in the system, gain deeper insight into the situation and acknowledge what needs to be acknowledged, to move to a state of greater harmony within the system. Through guided interaction with the facilitator, the process unlocks fresh perspectives and possibilities, and enables us to act from a place of greater awareness of the whole situation.
Nature constellations can be used to explore a wide range of personal, relational, and systemic topics, tapping into the interconnectedness between individuals, communities, and the natural world. Here are some areas where nature constellations are especially powerful:
- Personal Growth and Healing
- Work and Leadership Challenges
- Family and Ancestral Dynamics
- Relationships and Relational Systems
- Environmental and Ecological Connection
- Systemic Issues and Social Change
- Exploring Purpose and Goals
- Connecting to something larger than oneself
If we have piqued your curiosity, we regularly host in person constellation gatherings, as well as one on one sessions. Reach out to us at School of Being.
Written by Jax Wechsler & Vivien Sung
23 Oct 2024